Sunday, 30 May 2010

4 girls, one camera...

Another photoshoot, but this time, with slightly more professional results!
I used my big bumper book of Elvgren pinups as a starting point, basing my poses on some of his, this definitly helped!
Thanks to Steph (make up), Joh (photographer) and P (lighting) these pics turned out much better, after a small amount of editing, than the 1st lot.
Now fingers crossed I win the newbie comp on Friday (oh god, I do NOT like that its so close I don't have to use the date anymore!) so I can do a professional shoot!

Sunday, 16 May 2010

A problem solved...


I've spent much part of today making props for my upcoming show, and I've (kinda) solved the problem of needing a second sign half way through the act, and his name is Claude!
No, my act hasn't turned into a double act, he's a prop. I made him from foam board. He's almost finished, but like all cut-out men he's proving to be quite complicated. See, I need a speech bubble to pop out of his mouth at just the right point... I think I've figured a clever way to do it, but I don't have the most logical of all brains so it might not work out... He also needs some stablisers as he's not too steady on his feet, but I didn't do 5 years of Art school for nothing! Now I just need to solve how to take my feet out of my trousers without getting them caught and falling over... Perhaps not as simple as Claude!

Monday, 10 May 2010

My trousers won't fall down!!! (that's a bad thing btw)

I've been running through my routine, trying to iron out the kinks.. There's a lot of kinks!!
Firstly, there's still the signpost issue.. How do I put up signs to explain the setting of the act.. Music stand? Poster I hold up? Tiny airplane with a banner..?Secondly, my trousers refuse to fall down without being forced, which just doesn't work for the act! So I've had to construct an elaborate series of pulleys and sewn in strings to try give gravity a helping hand..!
However, some good news.. I have mastered the lacing of my corset!! Thanks to a very useful article on the Internet (link below) the step by step instruction have now made it possible to lace myself into my corset! AND... more importantly, take it off easily with a little more grace than David Blane trying to struggle free from a straight jacket. Ta-da!

Sunday, 9 May 2010

Eeeek!!!! 4 weeks to go!!!

Seeing the poster (above) for my debut night prompted a nightmare last night that, subtly, had me performing in a burlesque competition that I was completely unprepared for!! As I was about to go on stage I realised I hadn't given the CD with my music on to anyone!! It literally instilled the fear of God in me!! I woke up with a desperate urge to work on my act! In the comforting light of day however I have done no such thing, yet... I shall however, endeavor to fix all my props/costume problems this weekend though.. Now.. where can I get a pipe and false moustache on a Sunday....