Sunday, 21 November 2010

Costume making and tassel twirling..

Ta-da! Ok, it might not look like much, yet, but this is literally hours of gluing and stitching! I think I've added about 100 pearls and a thousand sequins! Wait till I've added more sequins, more pearls and loads of rhinestones! It'll be beautiful, and imagine how it will sparkle on stage under the lights! Ooooh!

This is all for my new act, I'm going for all out show girl. I'll add more pictures as it develops, but I'm pretty excited about it!

Also, I bought a new AP corset... oops. But, I do need one, and it will fit beautifully with this act! Honestly! ...see? Mmmmmazing isn't it!?
The girl in the picture is not me, I must clarify, that's from the AP online catalogue ;)
Also, today I've been practising shimmying and tassel twirling... Yeah, I'm really not good at it! I can only do the graceless jumping up and down at the knee style of twirling, not the effortless-looking shimmy style. I think I'm gonna need some better pasties with heavier tassels to master that... Maybe I need to go do a class and learn from an expert!

Thursday, 11 November 2010

A new act..

It's Thursday night and I'm in bed, kinda, it's 9.30!! And I'm doing research.

I'm working on a new act. This one is gonna be all out! I'm making the most amazing costume, well, hopefully! I am sewing pearls, sequins and gluing rhinestones on to some pretty white lacy underwear (no, it's not AP, unfortunately), and I made some new pasties. Ta-da! Cute huh?!

And this act is going to be funny, a little, and poetic, kinda. I shan't say exactly what the act is yet, but I will soon!
So, I'm researching how to be more graceful, because this act calls for it, in parts. Basically my 'dance' will be made up of a series of poses that make the female form appear its most beautiful, for the act is about beauty and femininity, be it in an abstract way. Ha! I'll keep y'all posted on how that goes! But in the mean time, enjoy looking at how its really done, by Michelle L'Amour..

Tuesday, 2 November 2010

I had to cancel a show... and I have a fan!

I really hoped I'd never have to pull out of a show at the last minute, but this weekend, I had to do just that.
This weekend was due to be my busiest (and most exciting) ever! I had 3 shows booked, Lincoln Thursday, London Friday and Liverpool Sunday, all Halloween shows, my favourite time of year! But on Thursday I got ill.

I did the Lincoln show Thursday night, as I posted below, Friday I was sofa-ridden. I couldn't face the train journey to London, let alone actually performing. I felt dreadful, about having to cancel. The promoter understood, luckily I was a last minute addition anyway, so wasn't on any of the posters etc, which would have made me feel worse, but I still felt really lousy about it.

Sunday I was doing a show in Liverpool with Phoenix Snow and Frank Lebeau Diaablo. Later on, Phoenix would tell me that if I had pulled out she would have to have cancelled the whole show!

I tried to make sure I was better by Sunday.. and, well, I wasn't worse, but I still felt awful! But the show went ahead, and it was a great success. I did the Corpse Bride act, and it was 400x better than the debut at the Lincoln show on Thursday, the audience were seated, and giving their full attention, and this time I managed to get my dress back on before the track ran out haha!
I did Hard Hearted Hannah too, messed up the timings a little and did a sloppy stocking removal that I was annoyed about afterwards but on the whole it all went well.

And the best thing about the whole night? As I was running, robed, back to the dressing room after my vamp act, I was stopped by a nervous looking audience member, "Miss Lola?" she said, "You were amazing!" Ah! Miss Lola! How quaint! "Thank you!" I breathed. The dear, sweet, adorable girl went on, "I saw you at the Canary Cage.. I'm a big fan!" A fan?!?! A big fan!?! Wow! I was floored! I gushed a thank you, I think I blessed her! And disappeared up the stairs! I have a fan!!!!!